's Letter
Dear host family,
My name is Marilou, I am 15 years old and I come from France.
I will try to introduce myself, but first of all, I must tell you that I am very excited about spending 10 months in your home, discovering another culture, another school, a new family and new friends . (a little worried, but very enthusiastic!)
I live with my parents and my older brother. We have a very close relationship and enjoy spending time together, whether it's family meals or weekend outings.
My parents always encourage me to pursue my studies seriously.
They are very open and understanding, and they taught me to be respectful of others and curious about the world around me.
My older brother (17 years old) is like a best friend to me. We are very different, but we share everything. It’s important for me to have someone from my generation at home: we discuss everything, and we have a good time. He is a volunteer firefighter.
Regarding my school life, I am currently a second grade student.
I like school and I attach great importance to my studies, but I also like participating in extra-curricular activities such as handball, which I practice in a club.
I work in an organized manner, paying attention to my homework.
I chose this school program because I want to improve my language skills, better understand your culture and share mine with you.
However, I am a little worried about the first months of immersion. I speak English quite poorly, and I'm afraid I will need time to communicate well.
I hope that this experience will also allow me to grow on a personal level.
I'm a pretty shy person when I don't know people. In this case, I am rather observant.
I am very different with my family or with my friends: I am much more dynamic, talkative and I think fun.
I have a small group of friends who are at school with me. We sometimes meet up to go eat together, walk in a small town nearby, or sleep at each other's houses.
We have fun, and we are very reasonable!
I also get along very well with my handball teammates: we are very united, and that makes the difference on the pitch! I am the team's goalkeeper, it's a position that suits me very well: you have to observe, analyze and be very focused.
I would really like to discover other sports in the United States. Of course, I instinctively associate cheerleaders or American football with the USA (I must watch too many TV series!). I also really like swimming, but I am open and curious about everything.
My grandparents (with whom I spend a month a year every summer) got me used to playing board games. I love it, and I also play with my uncle and my cousins every time we see each other. These are always very lively games!!
I am used to helping with some household chores: I set the table, I unload the dishwasher, I tidy the house, I help with the cooking... I will of course know how to do the same at your house, and maybe learning to cook with you (I love eating!). Another of my goals to achieve thanks to this stay: return to France with the recipe for the perfect cookie!!
I also like spending time alone. In this case, I draw, I paint, I tinker. I like manual activities.
I thank you very much for the welcome you will offer me, as well as for the chance you give me to experience this adventure alongside you.
I hope to bring you my good humor, my curiosity, my enthusiasm and I'm eager to meet you and start this new adventure.
See you very soon!