's Letter
Dear host family
Thanks for allowing me to stay in your home and become part of your family for a year.
My name is Gwilym I'm a British lad and am in year 13 of school right now. I live my life for the thrill of adventure, travel, expanding my knowledge, and service.
I love rugby, it is the greatest sport on earth and Wales's performance in the 6 nations practically predicts my mood in the months it is active. I’m a very sporty person and have been playing sports my whole life, competitive and not. my favourites to watch and play are, rugby, snowboarding, BJJ, F1, tennis. I am also enjoying music. I play the bass guitar and make some music myself. as well as this I do like to play Games on my PC such as overwatch and watch TV shows. I’m quite sociable at school as well as online and have a few friends in the USA that I know quite well, as well as many friends in the UK.
Because of my love for sports, I would like to participate, watch and or get involved in sports in the USA whether that be American sports like American football or sports that I love like Rugby. I also want to continue improving my bass skills. I am very interested in the selection of clubs and activities in the USA and pushing myself to do something that is not what I would normally do in the UK.
My dad is a chemical engineer and has been working from home since I was about 3. he mainly doses maths and logistics now but has designed factories and such in the past. he is where my love for sport and rugby comes from. my mom is a therapist / teacher. she is mainly who I speak to about politics and world events. my brother is a few years younger than me and him the one who I have organised scraps with and genially act as a mentor to. my friends at home I will talk to during school swell as leave on the occasional walk during lunch with. got to movies and sometimes a birthday party. go to London and play some video games. my friends online who are mainly from the USA are who I play overwatch with, and I see them as just as good friends as friends from the UK.
I think one of the most important parts of British culture is the banter. almost everything that there can be someone will make a joke about it to lighten the mood. for example, whether in the UK is a massive running joke, you can't park there whenever someone crashes their car. our humour is unmatched. another massive thing is the cult like following of football (which even though it’s not my sport I still enjoy). and our upmost respect for our nation, history, and armed forces. I would be very pleased to show my host family some of the UK’s traditions and events that take place like Remembrance Day and bonfire night. also showing and making my host family some proper British food which is the best cuisine in the world like fish and chips and a spud.
in the future I plant to join the military in some capacity as a royal marine or a royal marine reserve. I also want to go into some sort of geopolitics role within the UK government of NATO. and maybe down the line does something political. but one thing I do know for sure is I want to serve. I think service to people is the greatest thing you can do and my passion for service is on an international military scale. that is what I know I am good at. this is what leads me to do something in defence and have my mind set on the military. living in a different country, living the life of someone who lives and goes to school and country is the most international thing you can do. that is my passion.
My whole thing is like I should seek disconcert to fully experience life and live life in the moment. what is more out of my concert zone than moving halfway across the world and living like an American for a year. it will be one of the greatest adventures of my life and that is why I want to do it. experiencing something new that I have never done before. living with people that I will call my family after. meeting people that will remain friends for life. and one and for all live a life that I will remember.
I have seen many pictures of people who have also taken the leap and I am really excited. I cant wate to make memories with people I will in the future call my friends and family. Take photos and videos, learn more and more about the US and teach you more and more about the UK. I am exited to become part of your family and experience the greatest adventure of a lifetime!!
Warm Regards,