







Top 3 Interests
Other Interests
Family Activities
Formula One Racing
Reading or Listening to Audiobooks
Travel/Road Trips


's Letter

Dear future host family, at first I thank you for taking me and accepting me to live with your family. It's an honor for me. I am a german girl and I love to do sports. I'm doing gymnastics, three times a week, for three hours each. I really like to be active, but I also like to watch sports. Often I go to sport events with my stepdad. We went to icehockey, handball, soccer and Basketball, I really like that. Not just because of the sport, but also because of my stepdad. I love to take pictures, because they holding memories. I am looking forward to take pictures in the USA. At my future Highschool i'd love to join any sportsclub. Maybe somezhing like fieldhockey or tennis or maybe soccer. In addition I also love to travel. With my parents I traveld to many countries, it's so interesting and I adore it. Seeing new things, trying new food, learn something about the culture and connect with new people. This is one of the reasons I wanna do an exchange year. But of course the biggest reason is I wanna improve my english. I would say i am pretty good, but one day I wanna speak english fluently. I live with my mom and my stepdad in a little village near my hometown. I don't have any sibling, but I always wished I had some. I have two half-siblings, one brother and one sister, but we have nothing in common and we don't have contact to each other. Also they are much older than me. With my father I also don't have much contact. We meet up five to six times a year to talk to each other. But we don't call or have much contact. With my mom and with my stepdad I am really close. We're doing often things together, even if it's just watching TV. My mom I can tell anything, and I know she won't judge me. She will support me and help me in every situation. My Stepdad and I are also doing so much together, I know him since i'm four and I immediately took him into my heart. My stepdad loves to read and watch soccer. My mom likes to cook and bake, but also she loves to watch films. Both of them love travelling really much. We are a close family and I hope I will become one of yours too. My closest friends I've met at gymnastics, but I also have a friend group in school and I love them. We are going on walks, eating together or going to cafes and drink hot chocolate. Also we watch films or doing sleepovers and playing games. I really appreciate them and I could never live without them, they really mean much to me. For my future I wanna do my A-Levels and then go to college. But after my A-Levels I wanna do an one year break and travel around Australia. Then I wanna go to university and study. Maybe journalism or something else. For me it's really important to have fun at my future Job, but I also wanna make money, so I can make a good life for me and my family. I am so excited to make memories and become better at english. Also I am really excited to become a part of your family and share a wonderful year with each other! Thank you so much in advance. Have a wonderful day! Leni

A little more about me


German (native), English (7 years), Spanish (4 years)



Do you have any allergies?


Allergies Description

I have a huge cat-hair allergy, for the first few hours nothing really happents. But when i'm longer with them I sniffle and often have to sneeze. I also have Asthma, but it's not that bad. I have an Asthma-spray and it helps right away.

Do you have any special dietary restrictions?



Special Diet Details

Are you ok to live with pets?


Live with Pets Details

Program Length

Academic Year

Are you ok to live in a single parent household without children?


Are you ok with a placement with another exchange student?



About my family

Father's Occupation

Mother's Occupation

Finance Management


Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

Start application

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