November 18, 2015

Our "daughter" always offers to lend a hand

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Here is what Akane’s host family had to say about her:

Akane is a top notch exchange student! In spite of her busy school and sports schedule, she is always the first one to ask how she can assist us with meal preparation or carrying groceries in from the car, etc. Wherever there is a need, she is right there to offer her help immediately. Akane is pleasant and kind to all who have the privilege of meeting her; she is truly a delightful young lady. On different occasions, we've had small children in the home. Akane plays with them for long periods of time and laughs at their antics. She is also a hard worker. We have a large yard, and she willingly does her share of yard clean-up. She has Fridays off from school and has, at times, asked what she can do to help while she stays home. Since my husband and I both work full-time, it is a much appreciated act of kindness from Akane.

Though she has only been with us for two months now, I can see already that when it's time for her to return to Japan, there will be a big hole left in our hearts and home! I know her mom and dad are very proud of her, and we are thrilled to have her as our "daughter" for the school year!

Akane’s local representative, Jo-Ann, also expressed joy over Akane’s personality: “She is a delight and always has a ready smile. She is popular at school and the teachers like her very much, and she works hard for her grades and to understand.”

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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