August 30, 2024

A Guide to Fully Funded Exchange Programs for High School Students

group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime

For high schoolers eager to explore the world, broaden their horizons, and gain invaluable educational experiences, fully funded exchange programs for high school students offer the perfect opportunity. These programs let students immerse themselves in a new culture, make lasting friendships, and develop essential life skills, all without the financial burden that typically accompanies international travel and study. 

In this guide, we’ll explore fully funded exchange programs for high school students, including: 

  1. The definition of fully funded exchange programs for high school students 
  2. The costs often associated with high school exchange programs 
  3. The benefits of exchange programs for high school students
  4. How international students can study in the U.S. with AYUSA
  5. How to join AYUSA as a host family
  6. How U.S.-based high schools can partner with AYUSA

For more than 40 years, AYUSA has been connecting the brightest young international students to life-changing opportunities to live and study in the U.S. As a U.S. Department of State designated exchange sponsor, we act as a J-1 visa sponsor for exchange students. We also connect students to caring host families and coordinate with local high schools to place international students. 

Learn more about hosting an AYUSA exchange student, becoming an AYUSA Community Representative, or bringing exchange students to your school. In the meantime, join us to learn more about fully funded exchange programs for high school students. 

What Are Fully Funded Exchange Programs for High School Students? 

Fully funded exchange programs for high school students are programs where all expenses are paid for—students are usually granted a scholarship to cover the costs of traveling and studying abroad. These programs are important because they give all students the chance to study abroad, regardless of where they’re from or their socio-economic situation. For many students, participating in international student exchange without a scholarship isn’t possible due to the travel expenses involved. 

What Costs are Usually Associated with Studying Abroad?

Most of the costs associated with study abroad programs fall on the exchange student and their natural family. Those costs typically include: 

  • Airfares to the United States 
  • Visa fees for the J-1 visitor visa 
  • Health insurance (mandatory for exchange students in the U.S.)
  • Program fees (which often cover visa fees and health insurance coverage, depending on the program) 
  • Living expenses, after-school activities, and other spending money 

The costs involved in hosting a foreign exchange student are actually quite minimal. Host families just need to provide students with:

  • Three nutritious meals each day 
  • Somewhere safe and comfortable to live and study 
  • Help and support along the way

Students and their families will pay for their own transport (though you can always offer a ride if it’s convenient!), extracurricular activities, and all other expenses. 

Also, hosting an exchange student through AYUSA is tax deductible. Hosts can claim a $50 per month tax deduction for each month you host the student. Ready to open your door to an AYUSA exchange student? Start your hosting application here!

AYUSA’s Involvement in the YES Program

AYUSA is proud to be part of the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange & Study (YES) Program, a fully funded exchange program for high school students from predominantly Muslim countries. The YES Program provides students with scholarships to study in the United States for a year during high school, with the aim of breaking down cultural barriers, misperceptions, and stereotypes between Muslim countries and the United States.

The YES Exchange Student Program benefits the international students who have this incredible opportunity, but it brings equally important benefits to their classrooms, communities, and host families. AYUSA YES students are: 

  • High achievers with strong academic backgrounds 
  • Proficient in English language skills
  • Community-minded ambassadors and leaders
  • Eager to participate in volunteer opportunities and extra-curricular activities

Meet AYUSA’s YES students here, or request more information here about hosting an AYUSA exchange student. 

What Are the Benefits of Studying Abroad for High School Students?

Joining a high school study abroad program is an incredible opportunity that comes with so many different benefits. AYUSA exchange students learn to see the world in a completely different light, experience a new culture, make incredible new friends, and create memories that last a lifetime. 

Cultural Immersion and Global Awareness 

Students gain firsthand experience of different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles. This immersion fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of global diversity, encouraging openness and tolerance. Studying abroad cultivates a global mindset, helping students understand international issues and perspectives. 

Language Proficiency and Academic Enrichment 

Living in a foreign country and studying abroad in the USA provides an unparalleled opportunity to learn and practice a new language. Being constantly surrounded by English makes it far easier for international students to pick up the language, enhancing their communication skills. Exposure to different educational systems and teaching methods also broadens academic perspectives, and students may have access to unique courses and resources not available in their home country.

Personal Growth and Unforgettable Experiences 

Navigating a new environment independently helps students develop resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. These experiences build confidence and maturity, preparing students for future challenges. The memories gained from studying abroad are unique and often life-changing. Students return with stories, insights, and a broadened perspective that will stay with them for a lifetime.

How to Become an AYUSA Exchange Student 

International students interested in joining AYUSA can request more information here about studying in the United States. If you’re looking for fully funded exchange programs for high school students, don’t forget to check out the YES program, which includes a scholarship to support students financially during their academic year in America

How do Host Families Benefit from Hosting High School Exchange Students?

Exchange student programs don’t just benefit international students studying abroad, they also bring benefits to local schools, communities, and of course, the families who kindly open their doors to foreign exchange students. Becoming a host family comes with some incredible benefits, which we’ll explore here. 

Building Lifelong Relationships and Making an Impact 

Many host families form deep, lasting bonds with their exchange students. These relationships often continue long after the exchange period, leading to lifelong friendships and even opportunities for reciprocal visits. Host families make a significant impact on the life of an exchange student, providing them with a safe and supportive environment, which can be incredibly rewarding.

Cultural Exchange and Shared Learning Experiences 

Hosting an exchange student introduces the host family to new cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This cultural exchange enriches the family’s understanding of the world and fosters an appreciation for diversity. Both the exchange student and host family engage in mutual learning, as families often gain insights into the student’s home country, traditions, and education system.

Language Practice 

If the exchange student speaks a different language, the host family has the opportunity to practice and learn a new language. This can be a fun and educational experience, especially for children and teenagers—it’s one of the best reasons to become a host family for an international student

How do I Join Fully Funded Exchange Programs for High School Students as a Host?

If you’re interested in becoming an AYUSA host family, you can get more info here or start your hosting application here. Below, we’ll answer some of the most common questions we get about hosting exchange students and what’s required of AYUSA hosts. 

What Does Hosting Involve?

With AYUSA, hosting a high school exchange student involves welcoming an international exchange student into your life for either a semester or a full academic year. AYUSA hosts come in all shapes and sizes, from large families to single parents or grandparents. 

AYUSA’s hosting requirements are pretty straightforward: 

  1. Hosts must be at least 25 years old 
  2. Hosts must have space in their home for a student
  3. Hosts must be able to provide exchange students with meals and reliable transport

AYUSA hosts are open-minded, excited to learn about a new culture, and willing to help their students navigate the challenges of living and studying overseas. As long as you have a place in your heart and home for an international exchange student, there’s every chance you’ll be a great host! 

Start your AYUSA hosting application and change the life of an exchange student today!

What’s the Cost of Hosting a High School Exchange Student?

AYUSA is not a fully funded exchange program for high school students, but the main costs involved are the program fees, paid by the exchange student and their family, which cover:

  1. Visa costs
  2. Health insurance
  3. Other administrative expenses associated with living and studying overseas. 

When you host a student, the only real costs are those associated with housing and feeding the student. 

How Does AYUSA Support Host Families?

After you connect with AYUSA, we’ll put you in touch with a local Community Representative (CR) who can answer all your questions about becoming a host family. Once your application is approved, you can work with your CR to find an AYUSA student who matches your family’s interests and lifestyle. 

Once your student arrives, your CR will conduct monthly check-ins with you, the student, and the school to make sure everything is going well. You can reach out to your professionally trained CR any time for advice or support, and they are backed up by a team of regional and national AYUSA staff who are available 24/7 for emergencies. 

How Are AYUSA’s Students Selected?

Students in our international study abroad program come from all over the world, and have a wide range of different talents and interests. We work with our overseas offices and partners, who recruit students through an extensive screening process. AYUSA students all speak English proficiently and come with recommendations from teachers at their home school. Most importantly, they’re excited and eager to share their lives with you!

How Do Schools Become Involved in Fully Funded Exchange Programs for High School Students?

For high schools, fully funded student exchange programs for high school students are a great way to bring more cultural diversity into the classroom at no additional cost. AYUSA’s exchange programs come at no additional costs to schools, but with plenty of benefits for teachers and students alike. 

Benefits of exchange programs for high schools 

Exchange programs offer high schools a unique opportunity to enhance their educational environment, providing benefits that extend to students, teachers, and the school community as a whole. Here are some of the key advantages of our foreign exchange student programs:  

  • Enhanced educational experience: Exchange programs enrich the curriculum by introducing diverse perspectives and teaching methods. This diversity promotes a more comprehensive and inclusive educational experience for all students.
  • Cultural enrichment: Hosting international students and sending local students abroad fosters a culturally rich environment. This exposure to different cultures broadens students' worldviews, promoting tolerance and understanding.
  • Language development: Exchange programs enhance language learning opportunities. Students and teachers can practice and improve their foreign language skills through daily interactions with native speakers, making language learning more practical and engaging.
  • Global awareness: These programs help students and staff develop a global perspective, understanding international issues and appreciating global diversity. This awareness is crucial in preparing students for a globalized world.
  • Increased student engagement: Participation in exchange programs can motivate students by offering unique learning experiences that differ from the traditional classroom setting. This can increase student engagement and enthusiasm for learning.
  • Professional development for teachers: Teachers benefit from exchange programs through exposure to new teaching techniques and educational philosophies. This professional development can enhance their teaching practices and benefit their students.
  • Enhanced school reputation: Schools with active exchange programs often gain a reputation for being progressive and globally minded. This can attract more students and families seeking a comprehensive education that includes international experiences.

The benefits of studying abroad are not only for exchange students—these students boost the overall learning environment for their peers, setting students up for success in today’s interconnected world. 

Partnering with AYUSA

At AYUSA, we offer a Community Partnership for schools and community members eager to join our mission. Partnering with AYUSA is a great option for schools, and by connecting us to prospective host families in your school community, you could earn up to $500!  As well as joining our Community Partnership, you can visit our schools page to learn more about bringing AYUSA students to your school. 

How AYUSA Supports Schools

What makes AYUSA one of the best foreign exchange programs for high school students is our dedicated Community Representatives. AYUSA’s Community Representatives provide support to students, host families, and schools. If you’re a school hosting AYUSA exchange students, your local CR will check in regularly with a designated school contact to ensure that the exchange program is rewarding and positive for everyone involved. 

Academic Expectations of AYUSA Exchange Students

AYUSA students are academically minded and come with endorsements from teachers in their home country. During their time studying in the U.S., AYUSA students are expected to maintain a C in each of their classes. If students need any extra assistance, our Community Representatives can help arrange tutoring to help improve their grades. 

Where possible, AYUSA students are enrolled in a standard curriculum that includes English, U.S. History, Science, and Mathematics. AYUSA students are also expected to participate in extracurricular activities like school clubs or groups. The best way to fully experience life as an American teenager is by volunteering with classmates, joining a band or sports team, or participating in a Spirit Week!

Why Join AYUSA’S Exchange Programs for High School Students?

AYUSA offers life-changing experiences for high schoolers looking to join high school exchange programs in the USA. Our programs give students the opportunity to experience a new culture and share their own, make new friends, and learn a lot about themselves along the way. For host families and schools, AYUSA students bring a fresh perspective, inspiring enthusiasm, and the opportunity to create incredible memories. 

Hear from AYUSA Students, Hosts, and Schools 

“Farooq participates actively in class and works conscientiously toward his academic success. [He] frequently has a smile on his face when seen in the school and has made the easiest and most successful transition of any exchange student that I can recall in my 14 years working at Olean High School”

  • David, Teacher 

“Our involvement with Ayusa has changed our lives. So has Marie, so has her family. What an amazing experience it has been, one that will continue for a lifetime, forever tying our hearts and our worlds together. Marie is our daughter – rounding our family to a six pack with two boys and two girls (plus Mom and Dad, of course). We can’t wait to see what other journeys the rest of our time together will send our way.”

  • O’Brien Family, AYUSA Hosts

“I can very confidently say that going on an exchange was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made...It forces you to wipe the grime off your glasses and look at things from a clearer, better, and most importantly, a different, perspective. You learn that the world is not the desolate and awful place it is so often made out to be, because people all over the world have hopes, dreams, struggles and fears just like you. Everyone is inherently different, and yet, so very similar.”

  • Eman, AYUSA Student 

Fully Funded Exchange Programs for High School Students: An Unforgettable Experience 

Fully funded exchange programs for high school students, like the YES Program, take the financial barriers away from studying abroad, allowing more students to participate and experience life in a new country. Joining an exchange program provides high school students with a new perspective, and helps them mature and develop skills that will be invaluable later in life. Welcoming an AYUSA student into your home or school comes with no additional cost, but plenty of benefits! 

If you’re ready to change their life (and yours!) start your AYUSA hosting application here. For schools, learn more here and become an AYUSA partner here. We can’t wait to meet you!

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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