September 16, 2017
Study Abroad

Ayusa’s German Office Wins Award for Excellence in Customer Service

Happy study abroad participants in Germany

Ayusa’s Berlin office was recently awarded 1st place in a rating of German study abroad agencies. The Deutches Institut für Service-Qualitat (German Institute for Service Quality) examined 15 different agencies, ranking them on various criteria such as email and phone customer service, content and user friendliness of their website, the range of programs and services offered, and value for money. Anonymous emails and phone calls were part of the testing, as well as a professional analysis of the website by several specialists. Ayusa-Intrax impressed with quick, competent, and individualized responses to inquiries and their wide variety of program options. Their website ranked highly for being well-designed and easy to navigate.

Anna Köbisch of the High School Program team says, “It was a very comprehensive and in-depth analysis of many organizations and we are more than happy and very proud of this title. The team works really hard for all our participants and we love our mission to bring cultures together. This prize is an acknowledgement of all our efforts.”

Are you an American student interested in German culture and language? Click here to learn more about Ayusa Germany’s programs for American students, or email their office directly with your questions at You can read about Allison’s experience at the beginning of her stay in Germany to help decide if study abroad is right for you. Even if studying abroad isn’t an option, you can still get exposure to German culture by hosting a German exchange student in the United States!

Sharing cultures and building communities with high school exchange.

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Ayusa partners with the U.S. Department of State on the FLEX, YES, CBYX, YA, BFTF, etc. Program. We are reviewing this website to ensure compliance with recent executive orders and other guidance.